Countdown to a full-scale battle in Idlib

TEHRAN - Damascus is now ready to take back the Syrian city of Idlib and start moving toward the east of Euphrates River to regain the control of that region as well.
Terrorists who were located on the eastern and western outer limits of Damascus, never thought that Syrian army can regain the control of those parts out of their hands, but the Syrian army drove them out and the same thing will happen in Idlib and eastern parts of Euphrates River.
From some time now, the Syrian army has started dispatching men, weapons and equipment to areas including the city of Idlib, the northern limits of Hama, the west of Aleppo and the north of Latakia, so that it can get back Idlib and other regions in northern Syria.
Meanwhile, the Syrian army has announced that after liberating Idlib, the east of Euphrates River will be their next goal, the area where militants backed by U.S. are currently staying.
The difficulty of Idlib battle, U.S. and allies’ military movements
It must be noted that Idlib offensive is not going to be an easy battle and it requires precise and well-organized military operations; on one hand, the most extremist groups from all over the Syria are now ambushed in this area, on the other hand, U.S. and its allies will make their best effort to frustrate the Syrian army.
Despite the difficulty of Idlib battle, and the fact that U.S. and its allies will try their best to block the Syrian army, it is clearly going to be a climactic battle as it can reveal the final outcome. Each side that wins in military domains will also win in political domains. Now, Syrian army, backed by Russian air force is ready for a quick strike to liberate the city of Idlib.
Now, it seems that U.S. is worried that the Syrian army seizes control of these areas because U.S. and its allies used to leverage their influence in such areas to put pressure on Damascus; U.S. is especially worried because Idlib offensive will be the last step in wiping out terrorism from Syria.
With wining the Idlib battle, the militant groups and all their supporter will lose their leverage against Syrian army.
After the liberation of Idlib, the Syrian government can go back to its normal state before the crisis and it means that the people who supported this seven years’ war against Syria will have to leave Syria, empty-handed and Damascus will be the true winner of this war.
This is obviously not the results that U.S. wants, so they will resort to everything, including using chemical weapons to impede the movement of Syrian army.
Experts also believe that Idlib battle will be intense and will lead the war toward a quick end.
War in Syria which started from Aleppo and Qalamun Mountains two years ago, is now nearing its end in Idlib that is the last area held by terrorists.
Idlib is now the stronghold of all rebels and terrorists coming from all different regions. This battle will be much more complicated than the last ones and it means making any prediction would be difficult and should be on hold until the following days, however, Damascus is firmly determined to recapture every region in Syria.
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